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10 Ways to Emancipate Yourself from Mental Slavery


  • 10 Ways to Emancipate Yourself from Mental Slavery

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    If you desire to emancipate yourself from mental slavery, then the following is a list of ten ways that will lead you to liberating yourself from mental slavery:
    1. Give yourself the freedom to think for yourself.
    2. Never worry about the judgments of others.
    3. Always be yourself.
    4. Benefit from learning from revolutionaries. Observe them directly and/or read about them. Learn what makes/made them distinctive and truly liberated.
    5. Enjoy the beauty of everyday life.
    6. Be great and a leader in the areas and gifts you naturally have and/or have worked to obtain.
    7. Read and learn something new every day.
    8. Learn how to see things from the perspectives of others and not just your own perspective.

    Antonio Maurice Daniels

    University of Wisconsin-Madison

    • Mohammed
      Mohammed commented
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      thank you brother for putting this in here come together as one nation of a people black people African people black Indians black Native Americans so we can deal with this problem that we have and it's a America this is a great post

    • Mohammed
      Mohammed commented
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      when we start putting on my Minds together like I said Black Liberation does it matter we put our forces together put on money together it's steady breaking each other down and killing each other we become a powerful Nation again if we stop acting like Savages if you black if you Brown power come back to us when we wake up wake up brother wake up sis it's a different world out there now
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